Two years ago, we told you how Qualcomm was eying the Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck, building a reference design that eventually morphed into the Razer Edge. And while Razer’s handheld was eventually hamstrung by truly ridiculous pricing, Qualcomm is now building three new chips to replace the previous one.

Today, the company’s announcing the “Snapdragon G Series handheld gaming portfolio” with three distinct tiers: a Snapdragon G1 for game-streaming handhelds with over 10 hours of battery life on Wi-Fi, a Snapdragon G2 for “full-featured mobile and cloud gaming” with 5G, and the Snapdragon G3x Gen 2 to start chasing PC gaming handhelds on performance.

Image: Qualcomm
The G1 tier is Wi-Fi 5, G2 adds Wi-Fi 6 and…

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