My new book is out, on Stein Theory, my attempt at unifying all of the forces in nature. I succeeded. You need only one kind of particle (a stein) and one kind of force which is the same force in gravity, strong and weak force and electromagnetism.

The book answer many questions that other physics struggles with. Much of the evidence we are getting from the James Webb Space Telescope, that is currently causing many questions to be asked, are answered by Stein Theory, actually predicted by Stein theory, so they are observational evidence. And it only needs Newtonian maths ( a bit of simple calculus at worst), it doesn’t need any quantum theory, which could now be replaced by much simpler maths. It derives the correct bits of relativity from scratch without making any of Einstein’s assumptions. Rather than assuming a constant speed of light for all observers, it shows that the speed of light varies over time and between regions, though it remains identical for all observers in a region in all frames of reference. It explains dark matter, black holes, and lists some new forces we can start looking for (and unifies them too).

The kindle version is already live.

The hardback is still waiting in their queue but will be available tomorrow or day after probably. Meanwhile, I made a model of a quark with a few old DVDs. This one is a down quark, but from this angle, it could be an up quark too. Nobody’s ever seen a quark, but you can deduce its structure from logical reasoning, and I did. This design fits all of the experimental knowledge we have about the strong force and quarks.
