I started writing my new book, Eternal Woman, and lots of interesting possibilities emerge at every turn. My core idea is to implement a lot of the very advanced biotech I addressed in my previous book, Women’s Health Technology, via synthetic AI-tethered organelles, so it would basically be EDNA 2.0 with a lot of extra capability, leveraging all my TNCOs, TCOs, ATSOs etc but also making more hybridisation options for the AI parts. I also will make the design so that the tech expression depends partly on the presence of X chromosomes, and there are several ways I can do that. Given the enormous capabilities of the EDNA 2.0 system, it is quite possible that female longevity could be increased to 1000.

I am at heart mischievous and I am finding it great fun considering technology avenues that would never be permitted in a major biotech lab today. Times change though, and in ten years, it’s anyone’s guess how far the research ethics rules might have changed.

So, just for fun and mischief, though still entirely feasible technologically, my current line of thought is designing my system with partly distributed AI symbionts, linked to tech not unlike my ‘distributed conscience system’, capable of allowing direct link between behaviours, both mental and physical, and femtech expression. With the addition of ‘female’ synthetic organelles, they could co-reside in male bodies too, passed down through the female line. but their capabilities could remain unexpressed unless certain conditions are met. This will allow some extra capabilities and one of them I find rather amusing.

First, some of the med-tech could be expressed only when females are present, and not otherwise, by detecting pheromones and hormones and using inter-body AI comms to enable or disable them, but also by verifying and authorising them via the AI symbionts, and that can only be done via the females, with tight security enforcing that. Techs such as blockchain (my own grapevine variant would work well) could make it impossible to bypass the system and enable to med-tech without the female authorisation.

In that way, I can make it so that male longevity would remain natural and relatively short, or even reduce it if I was evil, but I am not, but if certain conditions are met, med-techs could be enabled occasionally that would increase male longevity. Given the ability to link hormones and neurotransmitters in nearby females into the system as part of decision algorithms, it will be possible to increase male lifespan, if an only if they treat women well, evidenced by those markers. Men who don’t treat women well, or indeed oppress or mistreat them or make them unhappy, would have their med-techs de-expressed and possibly have previous enhancements reversed.

All women globally would automatically benefit from all of the techs, though it would obviously be feasible to design the system otherwise. Men wouldn’t, unless they treat women well, and if they do treat women with love and respect, then they too could benefit by extended lifespan. Simple as that.

ChatGPT tells me that is is highly unethical, but you know what, I don’t care. I don’t work in a biotech lab and am not paid by any grants, I am entirely self-funded, and am not actually building anything yet, so i don’t have to follow most of the rules. It isn’t illegal to think, yet, and I like the idea and I’ll develop it further. It might feature in a future sci-fi novel, or a big lab might develop it one day, we’ll see. It’s enough for me that it is totally feasible and I will enjoy developing the technology concepts and mechanisms.

So one day, we might have a matriarchal society, where women live to 1000 and men live to 90-100, and might live longer as long as they’re nice to the women around them. Societies that oppress women will have short-lived men. Those that respect women will have men that live longer.
