For over a decade I’ve been saying that AI will one day be capable of fully autonomously hacking (and patching) systems. Now we’re at the gates.


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Finally, after years of predicting that an autonomous Artificial Intelligence (AI) “System of Systems” could become an ultimate AI hacking machine researchers were able to successfully hack into more than half their test websites using autonomous – with autonomous being a key word here – teams of GPT-4 AI agents that were all able to co-ordinate their efforts and spawn new agents at will. And what made this even more impressive was the fact that this was using previously-unknown, real-world ‘Zero Day’ exploits.



A couple of months ago, a team of researchers released a paper saying they’d been able to use GPT-4 to autonomously hack One Day (or N-day) vulnerabilities – these are security flaws that are already known, but for which a fix hasn’t yet been released. If given the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list, GPT-4 was able to exploit 87% of critical-severity CVEs on its own.


The Future of Cyber, with Keynote Matthew Griffin


Skip forward to this week and the same group of researchers released a follow-up paper saying they’ve been able to hack Zero Day vulnerabilities – vulnerabilities that aren’t yet known – with a team of autonomous, self-replicating Large Language Model (LLM) agents using a Hierarchical Planning with Task-Specific Agents (HPTSA) method.

Instead of assigning a single LLM agent trying to solve many complex tasks, HPTSA uses a “planning agent” that oversees the entire process and launches multiple “subagents,” that are task-specific. Very much like a boss and his subordinates, the planning agent coordinates to the managing agent which delegates all efforts of each “expert subagent,” reducing the load of a single agent on a task it might struggle with.



It’s a technique similar to AutoGPT and what Cognition Labs uses with its autonomous Devin AI software development team – it plans a job out, figures out what kinds of workers it’ll need, then project-manages the job to completion while spawning its own specialist ’employees’ to handle tasks as needed.

When benchmarked against 15 real-world web-focused vulnerabilities, HPTSA has shown to be 550% more efficient than a single LLM in exploiting vulnerabilities and was able to hack 8 of 15 zero-day vulnerabilities. The solo LLM effort was able to hack only 3 of the 15 vulnerabilities.

Blackhat or whitehat? There is legitimate concern that these models will allow users to maliciously attack websites and networks at will, speed, and massive scale. Daniel Kang – one of the researchers and the author of the white paper – noted specifically that in chatbot mode, GPT-4 is “insufficient for understanding LLM capabilities” and is unable to hack anything on its own. That’s good news, at least.



When I asked ChatGPT if it could exploit Zero Days for me it replied “No, I am not capable of exploiting zero-day vulnerabilities. My purpose is to provide information and assistance within ethical and legal boundaries,” and suggested that I consult a cybersecurity professional instead. However, while ChatGPT might have some morals there are plenty of other AI LLM’s out there that don’t such as DarkBERT and FraudBERT, as well as open source LLMs like Llama and others … all of which means it’s when criminals start using this method to attack people not when.

Source: Cornell University arxiv

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