I’ve been busy. Over the last 20 years, I have blogged many times about how to push towards a conscious AI. I finally managed to bring all of those blogs together, throwing away all the stuff that is now history, updating the rest, filling in any gaps, and clarifying what needed clarified. The end result was a new book called A Blueprint for Conscious AI. I deliberately ended that book after I had expanded on the sort of AI we could actually make tomorrow. We could have made it any time since 2015, but that’s another story.
After that, I proceeded to update my female biotechnology and expand on that theme, discussing the technology developments that will allow women to have biological lifespans up to 1000. That book is called Eternal Woman. I looked in some detail and the social and political impacts of such a change. I had a lot of fun with the book. There isn’t really a good reason why the technology should only work for women, but I chose the XX chromosome pair as the site for my EDNA technology which is the foundation for most of the tech advances, just as an excuse to explore a femocratic world. Obviously, only biological women have an XX pair, and I argued that if they gained access to such enormously powerful technology before men did, they could reverse millennia of male domaination and create a femocratic society where men would be a distant 2nd place. The book looks in detail at future biotech, but also how it would link to my conscious AI and make woman-AI hybrids with a wide range of superwoman capabilities. I briefly introduced the idea of using my quantum interlocked crystal as a quantum computing platform to take the idea even further forwards.
In my latest book, Homo Quantus, I complete the series, by examining in some depth the idea of quantum AI consciousness, and the idea of running human minds on a quantum substrate. I have produced human evolution charts and Homo Machinus has featured in them for almost 30 years now, but although that term would apply, I decided that the mind would retain a great deal of the human characteristics, and the AI we converge with likely would too, so I decided that Homo Quantus was the most appropriate name for our combine species. It’s one of my best books I think, finally bringing together a great deal of my multidisciplinary work over the last two decades. I am proud of it.
I decided that I would provide my two AI books free of charge on ResearchGate to help stimulate the AI field, which still seems to be far away from the consciousness goal. I fully expect most researchers will stick to groupthink and ignore it, but there isn’t much more i can do. I can show the way, but I can’t force people to follow it. It isn’t on the groupthink development map.
The links to the AI books at the moment are:
Although full books, they are both free. I hope you find them enjoyable and useful.