Vlambeer’s upcoming shooter Ultrabugs. | Image: Vlambeer

Back in 2020, indie studio Vlambeer celebrated its 10th anniversary by… shutting down. But it turns out, that was a little premature. Co-founder Jan Willem Nijman has announced that he now owns the Vlambeer name outright and will continue developing games under the label — starting with the unreleased shooter Ultrabugs.

Vlambeer was founded by Nijman and Rami Ismail in 2010 and went on to release hits like Nuclear Throne and Ridiculous Fishing. In a statement in 2020, the duo said, “It feels like we’ve achieved what we set out to do – as a studio, as a voice, and as individuals, and we are extremely grateful for these past years.”

According to Ismail, though, the studio never actually fully shut down. It continued to do customer…

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