Enlarge / It takes proficiency in quite a few disciplines, a pick-and-place machine, a 3D printer, and lots of little solder points to get a candle looking this cool. (credit: mitxela)

The latest device crafted by the prolific maker going by mitxela comprises an LED matrix board, “a bunch of electronics” underneath it, an infrared sensor, a coin battery, and the motor from a CD drive. It’s a deceptively simple bill of goods for a rather elegant DIY project the size of a tea light candle.

Typical volumetric displays are tricky things, given the need to send data and power to rapidly spinning things. Mitxela’s solution: make everything spin, including the battery. Creeping up on the infrared sensor with his finger, mitxela coaxed the tiny spinning board to create collapsing stars, pouring liquid, and the candle flames for which it was originally designed.

A video that only barely captures the volumetric look of this LED display, but it still looks pretty neat.

“I won’t deny, this is a very satisfying result for what was a hastily thrown-together prototype,” mitxela says in the video. “I wasn’t expecting it to work at all.” The next version will have more LEDs, and they’ll be better-centered; right now, the LED matrix backplate is on the center line, not the LEDs themselves. Since the LEDs illuminate twice during each revolution, having them exactly centered improves the clarity of the resulting image.

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